Tag: Mortgage

Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage a Good Idea?

Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage a Good Idea?

If you’re shopping for a mortgage, you need to decide whether to choose one with a fixed or adjustable interest rate. An adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, might be a good idea if you’re only planning to stay in your home for a short period of 

How Much Can You Afford in Monthly Mortgage Payments?

How Much Can You Afford in Monthly Mortgage Payments?

Homeownership is a dream for many people, but some take on more debt than they should. If you’re thinking about buying a house, consider your income and current and potential expenses. How Mortgage Lenders Decide How Much Applicants Can Afford Lenders look at the total gross 

Differences Between Jumbo and Conforming Loans

Differences Between Jumbo and Conforming Loans

If you’re thinking about purchasing an expensive home, it’s important to understand how jumbo and conforming loans differ, and the pros and cons of each. Choosing carefully could help you save a lot of money over the term of your mortgage. Key DifferencesA conforming loan