Multi-Generational Living – A Path to Affordable Homeownership

Multi-Generational Living – A Path to Affordable Homeownership

In today’s increasingly expensive housing market, multi-generational living has emerged as a practical solution for families seeking homeownership. By pooling resources and sharing living spaces, this lifestyle not only allows more people to achieve their dream of owning a home but also offers additional benefits 

Pricing Your Home for Sale When Everyone Else is Overpriced

Pricing Your Home for Sale When Everyone Else is Overpriced

The past few years have been exciting for home sellers. Not only were home prices historically high but buyers were well qualified and enjoying low interest rates. Today’s housing market is dramatically different in many areas of the country. If you are considering selling your 

The Latest Investing Trend – Renter in One City, Landlord in Another

The Latest Investing Trend – Renter in One City, Landlord in Another

It’s no secret that investing in real estate is a great way to build wealth. Homeownership is the simplest way to invest in real estate. But what if you can’t afford to buy a home where you live? Or perhaps your lifestyle requires you to 

What is a Home Stylist?

What is a Home Stylist?

Everyone has heard about home decorators or designers, but have you heard about home stylists? No, it’s not just a fancy way of saying the same thing. A home stylist can transform your living space from ordinary to something extraordinary. A professional home stylist works 

First-Time Sellers – 5 Things You May Not Know

First-Time Sellers – 5 Things You May Not Know

Selling your first home is an exciting journey that comes with its unique set of challenges and learning curves. Even if you feel well-prepared and have partnered with a skilled real estate professional, there are several aspects of the home-selling process that might surprise you. 

Timeless Elegance – Creating an “Old Money” Look for your Home

Timeless Elegance – Creating an “Old Money” Look for your Home

There is a certain look and feel that just oozes “old money.” These homes are graceful and elegant with interiors that are timeless and beautiful. Far from changing with each trend, these homes offer a sense of history that is warm and inviting. Fortunately, creating 

Strategies for Selling a Home with Difficult Tenants

Strategies for Selling a Home with Difficult Tenants

Selling a home can be challenging in any circumstances. Add a difficult tenant to the mix and it becomes even more complex. While it would be nice to simply ask the tenant to leave, if there is a valid lease in place, this may not 

Spruce Up Your Backyard by Adding Interesting Features and Spaces

Spruce Up Your Backyard by Adding Interesting Features and Spaces

With the warmer weather on the horizon, it is natural to turn your attention to the backyard. The backyard has become central to the modern lifestyle and a functioning extension of the home. If you’ve been staring longingly at the latest home magazine display of 

How to Spot Roof Issues Before it’s too Late

How to Spot Roof Issues Before it’s too Late

Your roof is one of the most essential elements of your home. It guards you, your family, and your home from wind, water, and other harsh conditions. However, it is also part of the home that is often overlooked until it’s too late. Detecting roof 

Does That Come With The House?

Does That Come With The House?

When touring a beautifully staged home, it’s easy to admire both the layout and the furnishings. While certain furniture like sectional sofas may seem perfect for the space, they typically don’t stay with the home once sold. However, the inclusion of other items in the